Multi Level Marketing Write For Us
Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a strategy used by direct sales companies to sell products and services. MLM encourages existing members to promote and sell their offerings to other people and attract new employees to the company. Distributors receive a percentage of their recruits’ sales. New recruits become part of the distributor’s network or downline and are in turn encouraged to make sales to make money.
Many MLM systems are legal, but there are also illegal businesses that are carried out as pyramid schemes. This has cast a negative light on legitimate MLM companies.
Practical examples of multi-level marketing
There are many examples of multi-level marketing in the business world. Below are just two of the most popular and well-known companies operating in this space.
Amway is a well-known direct selling company that uses MLM to generate income. The company, which sells health, beauty and home care products in more than 100 countries, regularly reports billions of dollars in sales generated by its independent business owners. This makes it the largest MLM company in the world in terms of sales.
Herbalife Nutrition
Herbalife Nutrition is a renowned MLM company that manufactures and sells nutrition and weight loss products. The company claims that the majority of its revenue comes from selling products rather than hiring employees. It also says it offers members many protections, such as a money-back guarantee, so they don’t have to rely on products they couldn’t sell.
There have been multiple lawsuits against Herbalife accusing the company of misrepresenting its sales practices, including a settlement with the FTC in 2016 that required the company to restructure its business.
Activist investor William Ackman also brought the company to national attention by shorting $1 billion worth of company stock in 2012. Ackman accused the company of running a pyramid scheme and backed up his accusations with a bet that the price of its shares would fall under the weight of the company’s fraud. He gave up this bet in 2018.
Is Multi-Level Marketing a Pyramid Scheme?
Multi-level marketing is controversial and is often compared to pyramid schemes. While some multi-level marketing activities are legal, others have been the subject of investigation. This usually happens when the majority of the company’s profits are funneled upwards, leaving little for the remaining members.
If an organization focuses primarily on recruiting employees rather than selling products, this may also indicate that it is operating on a pyramid scheme. The number of members of these systems sometimes reaches hundreds or even thousands.
What Should you look out for in an Illegal MLM Pyramid Scheme?
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) warns people to be careful and avoid MLM promoters who:
Make extraordinary claims for enormous earning potential
Try to convince people that the real money is in recruiting others.
Pressuring people to get involved without learning more about the company.
Make it clear that an opportunity will be missed if people don’t jump on board right away.
Another red flag is that existing dealers continue to purchase products they will never be able to sell in order to qualify for some type of reward.
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Pyramid Scheme
Consumer Network
Trade commission
Price fixing
Chain letters
Relationship marketing
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