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Education Write For Us

Education Write For Us

Different theories have been used to explore education. Some say education involves a deliberate process of imparting certain objectives such as passing down knowledge, skills, and character traits. However, besides these main features there is much controversy about its nature. Some theorists regard education as taking place largely in pedagogical events of teaching and learning.

There are numerous types of education. In its nature, formal education takes place at public schools and several other institutions established. It is also structured, but it occurs outside the regular classroom setting. Informal education refers to unstructured learning from one’s daily experiences.

For instance, some theorists have outright defined education with a special set of characteristics common to all kinds of instruction. R. S. Peters, for instance, outlines three essential features for education:

  • The second component involves imparting of knowledge in a meaningful way, including concepts.
  • This transmission is worthwhile.
  • However, it is done morally correctly according to the student’s wishes.


The classification of education is endless. Education may be formal, non–formal or informal, depending upon the institutional setup. The student’s age and the level of complexity of the content determine the different levels of education. Some classifications are learner oriented or topic orientation. They use other factors such as teaching methods or medium of transmission and budgeting when referring to a learning theory.

Often Education is classified into categories. Formal, non-formal, and informal are common ways of dividing it. On the other hand, some theories only make a distinction between formal and informal learning.

This takes place within a intricate institutional context. They are based on a temporal and hierarchical layout. The case is not different in our days where we have schools that have distinct classes according to a student’s age & progress right from elementary to the university. The government controls most of the formal education.

Technology and Others

There is also another important contribution from technology towards education. Mostly, educational technology involves the use of modern electronic equipment and computers. Here however, in its widest sense, is involved whole bunch of resources and tools of study, which are those that can be termed as primary or even such things as normal books and worksheets.

However, educational technology positively impacts all forms of learning. As media, it is often the major provider of information in a typical classroom setting. Therefore, a teacher will be able to allocate their time and resources effectively by concentrating in areas such as planning of the lesson and steering students, together with measuring academic successes.

Education Studies

Education studies could be described as a central subject of education in which it is called as education sciences. This kind of study is an attempt to know how people pass on knowledge and information, focusing on the method and form of education.

The nature of education lies in what it sets out to achieve, the results or value of this education, and its relation with social, political, cultural, historical and development factors. The education theorists draw upon theories of various other disciplines like philosophy, psychology, sociology, economics, history, politics, and international relations among others.

Educational phenomena are studied using different research methods. There are approximately quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods approaches. Likewise, quantitative research is reminiscent of the approaches in the natural sciences and entails taking multiple observations via numerical measurements with the resultant analysis being achieved through statistical models.

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character traits
critical thinking
mental states
Formal education
Non-formal education
Informal education
early childhood education
primary education
secondary education
tertiary education
student-centered education
science education
language education
physical education
economic growth
global problems

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