Arts and Culture Write For Us
Arts and Culture Write For Us
Arts and Culture is a mass communication medium that allows the artist to communicate ideas, impressions and emotions through aesthetic and transcendent staging to establish a specific communion of spirit with his audience.
Art can help bring about this change as a catalyst. It allows individuals and societies to establish or update their relationships with themselves, their environment, their fellow human beings and their humanity, in short, to adjust their relationships with this subjective reality.
The Functions of Art
Art has multiple functions.
- It allows the expression of individuals.
- It allows everyone to enter into the communion of spirit with other individuals, to have the impression of sharing moments, feelings and emotions with them, and to be empathetic towards their feelings.
- It allows everyone to decorate their environment, to personify it.
- It also has the function of fascinating, of creating passion.
- It is an instrument of education and dissemination of knowledge but also a tool of propaganda and indoctrination.
- He is known to have introspection skills.
- The ancient Greeks discovered its capacity for catharsis. It is used today in therapy.
- It has always commemorated events, forged memories, and glorified individuals. It plays a role in constructing the identity of individuals and societies.
- It is both the result of a culture and an element that contributes to its construction.
- It allows the development of imagination and creativity.
- Art is provocative. It makes it possible to question people about their values and their beliefs.
The Role of Art
The majority of people live with their noses glued to their daily lives. Few individuals have the time and perspective needed to analyze society to become aware of the source of their emotions or relationships with people. Artists usually are.
The real is a subjective idea. Our senses are limited and imperfect—our knowledge is incomplete. Much of our knowledge is the fruit of empirical experiences of cultural heritage. Religion and ideologies have attempted to downplay our ignorance for several millennia through often aberrant mythology and cosmology. To complicate matters, the physical characteristics of the Universe are an obstacle that prevents us from appreciating it. Our knowledge is, therefore, often the result of misinterpretations of reality.
The advance of objective knowledge in this Universe and our nature is shaking up old received ideas daily and making specific knowledge obsolete. It’s not always easy to rearrange old thought patterns to make room for new ones. There is often resistance, especially when our conceptions of the world and values are upset.
Main Characteristics of Art
Art contributes to giving shape to reality. It’s staging. It is never a reality or representation. It is a means of mass communication. In art, noise in communication is a component of the message. The perception of the same work of art may differ from one individual to another.
The work is a system of signs whose codes can be numerous, intertwined and not necessarily shared, and is a game that challenges our intelligence. These codes are not necessarily agreed upon and are often created by the artist to measure the needs of his creation.
All artistic disciplines use the equivalent of figures of speech to express an idea. The work of art favours communion but also play empathy, revelation and fascination.
The work of art appeals to a set of characteristics that determine its appearance and relative relationship to a defined style and aestheticism. Otherwise, it creates a new one.
Art is an anachronistic contemporaneity. We ideologically reinterpret the past to make sense of and justify our present. Over time, work can take on new meaning.
The meaning of a work is more than the sum of the elements that constitute it. The transcendence of art is its ability to take us elsewhere, to evoke another reality. Art is ontological (self-transcendence).
The work of art indiscriminately addresses one or more forms of our intelligence. We seek, by instinct, the solution to the enigma that the artist offers us. We want to find meaning in his work.
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Search Terms Related to Arts and Culture Write For Us
art criticism
history of art.
social learning
human societies
Cultural universals
tool usage
social organization
political organization
social institutions
intangible cultural heritage
social science
theoretical perspective
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