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Technology – Write For Us

Write For Us –

One of the best guest blogging sites with high-quality content and domain authority. At Technology Companians, we provide the “write for us” opportunity to passionate people and have excellent writing skills. Technology Companians always welcomes new writers who want to guest post, sponsored articles, or regularly contribute to articles.

How to Submit Your Article?

To submit your article, you can contact us at

We appreciate your exploration and interest in Write for us technology as a guest blogger on topics related to Technology, mobiles, Apps, Gadgets, Product Reviews, Software, What is, How to and Technological updates and digital trends. Here are details that you might find helpful in working with us on guest posting. Explore the guest post requirements, how to submit a guest post to us.

Why Write for Us –

  • Guest posting, also known as guest blogging, means, as the name suggests, here you write and submit articles to other’s websites related to your field to increase your audience.
  • It also helps improve your website’s SEO by boosting the DA, PA, Organic Traffic and ranking on SERP through generated backlinks with your keywords.
  • On Write For Us Technology, you can create your backlinks and get live links through microblogging and image submission.

Types of Categories We Welcome

  • Technology
  • What is
  • How to
  • Gadgets
  • Software
  • Apps
  • Product Reviews
  • Laptops

Technology – Write For Us

What is technology? Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical goals of human life or, as it is sometimes expressed, to the change and manipulation of the human environment.

Technology has revolutionized society in countless ways; it allowed early humans to grow their food, navigate the open oceans, tell time, and connect organizations globally. The transition from manual to technological problem-solving methods occurred simply because relying on technology makes work easier.

Technologies worldwide have been adopted to aid human life, from the most basic inventions, to complex systems that function independently from the human experience. This lesson discusses these technological advancements and provides an overview of what technology is.

  • Write For Us -Technology Companians


  • Internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)
  • Big Data, Cloud Computing and DevOps
  • Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, cybersecurity and ethical hacking
  • Business intelligence, data analysis
  • VR (virtual reality), AR (augmented reality) and mixed reality
  • Smart home automation, security systems, robotic process automation and automation (RPA)
  • Strategies, trends, guides, tips, tactics, tips, etc.

Gadgets – Write For Us

A gadget is a small machine or device that does something useful. Sometimes you refer to something as a device when you suggest that it is complicated and unnecessary.

  • Gadgets Write For Us Write gadgets for us
  • Phones, cameras, laptops and tablets,
  • Software and networks
  • Mobile device reviews and product reviews
  • HD TVs, games, desktops, printers and monitors
  • Security, servers, routers, scanners and projectors
  • Health, Fitness and Wearable Technology
  • EBook Readers, Headphones & Speakers
  • Strategies, trends, guides, tips, tactics, tips and more.
  • Write for us – Applications
  • Write applications for us
  • iPhone apps, iPad apps and Android apps
  • Mobile application development
  • Application development companies
  • Native apps, hybrid apps, web apps
  • App Reviews
  • Strategies, trends, guides, tips, tactics, tips and more.

Software – Write To Us

Software is a set of instructions, data, or programs to operate computers and perform specific tasks. It is the opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer. Software is a generic term for applications, scripts, and programs that run on a device.

Softwares - Write To Us

Guidelines for Submitting Guest Posts:

We Like:

Your articles must have original content and be free of plagiarism (approved by Copyscape) or copyright infringement.

Your content must be at least 800 words with titles, and make sure the content is free from grammatical errors.

Ensure your blog post’s title is appealing and is less than 60 characters.

Provide a single image in HD quality with 1200px (width) and 675px (height) resolution.

We Do Not Accept :

First, The Guest Post article should be about one of the topics we mentioned above. We do not allow topics that are not relevant to our site.

We do not accept content protected by copyright. Check for plagiarism before submitting the article.

Do not submit the article published elsewhere, including your own blog.

How to Submit your Articles of Technology Write For Us?

We would be so happy if you contributed to our website Technology Companians. Please feel free to email us at If you have questions about guest posting to Technology Companians, please let us know through the Contact Us form.

For Sponsored Posts, Technology, Product Reviews and Mobile Apps: If you are interested in Sponsored Posts or Product / Application / Technology Reviews, please do not hesitate to contact us for more details. Just email, and we’ll get back to you.

What Happens After We Accept Your Guest Post or Articles?

If you submit your Guest Posts, You don’t need to wait a day or week for approval. We will update you within an hour.

Once we receive the Guest Post, it will be reviewed. We may modify it if needed.

We republish the blog and share it on social media giving due credit to the author.

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